Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cause and Symptoms of a Panic Attack?

Hi there!!!

Do you know what causes a panic attack?

Believe it or not, you and only you create the panic attacks you're having. I'm sure this is not the answer that you were expecting or wanting to hear, but it is the truth. I will show you how you create them.

It is your reaction to certain situations that causes you to experience body symptoms such as; palpitations, rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing etc. Next you begin to talk to yourself in a negative manner, making statements such statements as: "What's wrong with me? Why is my heart beating so fast? I'm going to pass out! I'm going to die! I've got to get out of here!"
You and only you are creating your own fear, scaring yourself to the point of internal anxiety.

Internal anxiety is obviously created internallly. You create it by thinking or saying negative phrases or statements. What if I pass out? What if I embarrass myself? What if I get in a car accident? What if I fail my exam? What if I am having a heart attack...........what if, what if, what's endless.

So, one scary thought leads to another and to another and so one until you are having a "full blown" panic attack. With each negative thought you think or say, you are causing yourself to experience more and more anxious feelings. If you truly want to overcome this emotional rolercoaster, it is crucial that you understand and also accept that you create your own thoughts, therefore you also have control over them......................your choice!!!

Next we have what is called external anxiety. External anxiety is just the opposite of internal anxiety. It is created by outside situations that you have no control over. Some exmples would be; being in a car accident, someone breaking into your home, a death of a family member or close friend, or a "heated" agrument with someone etc. These situations would definitely creat anxiety.

Obviously there is a difference between internal anxiety and external anxiety. Internal anxiety you can control and external anxiety you cannot. The problem with this is, is that your body does not realize the difference between the two, what is real fear and what is not. So then your body begins releasing chemical stimulants such as adrenaline, cortisol and sodium lactate. The more you worry about the symptoms you're feeling, the more chemicals are released, creating a strong surge of energy. The end result..........a panic attack.

This sheer terror you experience is very real and extremely frightening. But although you may feel out of control, you couldn't be further from the truth. You are the only person who can control whether you have a panic attack or not.

Ever wonder why you begin to feel a calmness come over you once you get out of the situation that you feel caused the panic attack, or why once you get closer to your "safe" person or place, you feel more relieved? The reason being is that you begin to have positive thoughts. Here are some examples below:

* "I will feel better once I get home."
* "The panic attack will go away when he (your spouse) gets home."
* "I will be fine when I get out of this store."
* "I will be okay when I leave this party."

THINK ABOUT THIS.......................................

There is no way possible that a shopping mall, driving a car, going to a party, attending church or even flying in an airplane can make you have a panic attack.

It is your negative thinking that is causing you to have a panic attack!!!

"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You much do the thing which you think you cannot do"
~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My Journey

Before I begin this Journey along with you, I thought I'd begin by telling you a bit about myself. This way we will get to know one another on a more personal level where we can connect heart to heart.

Up until almost 15 years ago, it is difficult for me to remember a time in my life when I wasn't afraid. Although living with an abusive alcoholic father certainly attributed to my fears, the anxiety still continued after his death when I was 9 years old. I feel the reason for this is that I became so accustomed to feeling afraid all of the time that it just felt "normal" to me........I didn't know any other way. So I just accepted the fact that this was "just the way I am." How many times do you say that statement, or have heard someone else say that? "It's just the way I am."

Although when I was young I did experience mild panic attacks, I never knew what was going on until I was much older. It was just an everyday way of life for me.

By the age of twenty, I'm now forty-five, I began having "mega" panic attacks. As these attacks continued, I began avoiding everyday "normal" situations that most people wouldn't even think about doing. I was afraid to drive, go shopping, attend church, or even visit friends. The "ah ha" moment for me was the day that I found it impossible to even walk down to my mailbox. I realized then and there that I REALLY needed to get some help. This avoidance behaviour resulted in my becoming agoraphobic, as I absolutely became "afraid of my own shadow."

Agoraphobia was once thought to be a "fear of open spaces," but "they" have now come to the conclusion that it is brought on by panic attacks......DUH!!!

After visiting many psychiatrists, physicians, and the emergency room, (many times) I became very frustrated. You would not believe how many years it took them to figure out what was wrong with me, or maybe you would. Once medical "experts" discovered that I had this emotional disorder (NOT MENTAL.....LOL) their only solution for me was to take medication. For those of you who know me well, you would probably say that I'm somewhat of a health "freak." I do not believe in drugs unless absolutely neccessary. I have always felt in my heart that there had to be a better solution than drugs and as I later realized, there absolutely was and is.

It was through my extensive research that I came across a resolution to this "life draining" emotional disorder. I had studied many books on the subject of panic/anxiety disorder, as well as newspaper articles, "at home"anxiety programs and even meditation. It was through all of this information and the loving support of my husband Steve that I was finally able to get my life back on track.

I am very happy and proud to say that I have not had a panic attack within the past almost 15 years. It took a great deal of strength and dedication to get to where I am today, but all I can tell you is that it was sooooooooooo worth it. And as weird as this may sound, I am actually thankful that I had to go through this hellish experience, as I am now a strong woman, an awesome mother and a loving wife. I can truly say "I am happy."

So come onboard, what do you have to lose, you've already lost yourself!!!

Welcome to Journey Within

Hello, my name is Anita and welcome to Journey Within.

I chose the title Journey Within, as I intend for you to take a journey within yourself, within your Spirit and within the Universe. This will be a trip like no other, as you will discover yourself using your mind, your body and your Spirit. I will guide you day by day with inspiration, education and revelation.

Aren't you tired of feeling stressed, anxious and depressed all of the time? I know I definitely was before I discovered how to overcome this emotional disorder.

As you go along this "Journey Within," you will learn how to free yourself from worry, anxiety, stress and fear. I am not saying that this will be easy because it probably won't. But it sure will be worth it in the end so you can begin to live the life that you so truly deserve.

So are you up for taking the most important journey of your lifetime? Do you want to find and live your passion and discover your true authentic self? Do you want to feel peace, love and enlightenment? Do you want to have the confidence, the passion and the aspiration to achieve your dreams? If you answered yes, than................................

Let the Journey begin!!!